Bearing Grease Lubrication Options

Bearing Lubrication – what are the options? Many of our clients raise the question of bearing lubrication. People ask us about our thoughts, various options, and of course…what we use for our Spitfire Trailers. Here we are happy to share our observations… even if perhaps a bit controversial for some. Bearing Buddy The Bearing Buddy […]
Buying a 2nd hand trailer checks

Looking to buy a 2nd hand boat? What should I check in relation to the Trailer? On too many occasions we hear of clients who have purchased a ‘new’ 2nd hand boat and are subsequently faced with unexpected trailer problems. Trailers carry boats…. But they also carry the motor, fuel, accessories fitted to the boat, […]
Bolted versus welded Aluminium Trailer

Why should you be very cautious about buying a Welded Aluminium trailer? More and more Aluminium trailers are seen under boats these days. Why? Because there are many performance and longevity benefits to be had including the resistance to corrosion and tare weight advantages. This is not the same with many ‘pretend’ Aluminium trailers which […]
Torsion Axles Versus Leaf Springs

What are the benefits of a Torsion Axle compared with normal leaf springs? Many clients are interested in torsion axles but still have a lot of questions about them. So we’d like to provide clarity about torsion axles compared to leaf spring suspensions to help our fellow boaties choose more wisely when looking at purchasing […]
Rollers Versus Slides

Should I use a multi-roller configuration…or will a simpler and cheaper bunk & keel slide layout work for me? This is perhaps the most frequent question raised when boaties enquire about a new trailer. It’s often driven by growing frustration with poorly performing rollers and the desire for a more convenient ‘drive-on’ trailer. Every boat […]
So Frustrated
A keen fisherman came to me with a problem. Despite best efforts with his nearly new trailer, he was unable to shift his 5.8m fibre glass boat on the trailer without significant use of winches and other equipment. When launching…no launch was possible without using significant braking to jolt his boat into the water. Often […]
Fitting my boat to my trailer
It is important to have a roadworthy trailer that is properly rated, designed, fully engineered and certified to carry your boat. With highway speeds up to 110km/hr, an unbalanced or incorrectly fitted boat, together with a poorly designed and mechanically stressed trailer can be a deadly combination! Very important issues to consider are: a) […]